Condoms, panties and bras found in chang’aa

Following the death of a 34-year old man, Eliud Karing’u, Laikipia West residents demonstrated when they raided more than five homes that allegedly was sold illicit brew. The man had died hours after he allegedly took alcohol from a certain brewing den.
Led by Marmanet MCA Francis Mukuria and county Maendeleo ya Wanawake leader Irene Wacuka, the local residents condemned the production and consumption of the brew that will “finish their sons”, where they found women’s underwear, condoms, bones, gumboots and torn pieces of sacks in drums of illicit brew. The items are said to hook clients to a particular brewer.

“These items are added to the liquor during the brewing process in the belief that clients will be hooked to a certain brewer,” a protester said of the items found at one den.

Mukuria blamed illicit brewing for the declining number of children enrolled in schools, saying the exercise was aimed at completely ridding his constituency of illicit brew.

“Look at that nursery school, it has very few children and one class has been converted to a kitchen. This is because our sons consuming these liquids,” said another protester.
Three suspects were arrested and taken to Karandi Police Post

