Limuru women demonstrate

Women in Ndeiya ward hold a peaceful demonstration at Thigio shopping centre in Limuru constituency accusing their men of drinking too much to an existence of failing to make them pregnant, they have now called for importation of 'real' men to make them pregnant. Photos: John Karume Women in Ndeiya in Limuru have a special request. Due to that not so small matter of their men sleeping like logs after binge drinking, they now want barobaro men imported from other parts of Kenya to plough ‘weedy’ grounds in Kiambu County. Just recently, women held a demonstration in Thigio Shopping Center over the matter of sexual dysfunction caused by alcoholism. Listen to Nancy Wangare, one of the demonstrators: “If you walk in this village, you will find so many young married women, but only a few are pregnant. Those who are not are suffering in silence because their men cannot perform in bed.” “The said men, added Wangare, have abandoned their homes for illicit brew and idling at the shopping center, and women in Limuru will have no choice but to look “to sire our children”. Our husbands will not know anything. We will trick them that the pregnancies are theirs and they will support us,” swore Wangari, a 32-year-old mother of one who separated from her alcoholic husband four years ago. Margaret Waithera, another resident called on the government to de-register all wines and spirits outlets in the area as they break Mututho Laws of operating between 5pm to 11pm and secretly sell illicit brew by locking customers inside, besides hawking alcohol from pockets by the road. James Kamau from Ndeiya said not all men should be put in the same basket with those who have failed to sire children and support families, but George Mugambi who swore he’s ‘married’ to his beer cited frustrations due to lack of employment “and because I want to forgot the problems that I have I always make sure am ‘high’ to keep life moving on.” But Deputy county commissioner David Kiprop said they are investigating the claims and promised: “We will arrest the bar owners and attendants who break the law and take them to court. After they are convicted, we will ask the county government to deregister them.”

