Not every reply or text you get from her means exactly how it seems. Here are 9 text messages from women and what they really mean. 

1.What Are You Doing?

Meaning: Are you with other girls? As long as you are not with other girls, she will be cool.
2. Heyyyy!

Meaning: She has been thinking of you for a while now and it is a super cool way to check on you.
Meaning: I am flirting with you and probably waiting for you to take me out. It normally comes with a company, a smiley face.

Meaning: That wasn’t really funny & I am only flattering you. Girls know that guys love girls who laugh at their jokes. She is probably solving the equation using this trick.

Meaning: You pissed me off! It is a clear sign of trouble buddy.
6.Friday Is So Close

Meaning: Reminder that the weekend is almost here but you haven’t asked me to hang out with you. It is a passive way to send the hint.

7. Oh Sorry! I didn’t have my phone

Meaning: I saw your text immediately but did not want to appear desperate by replying quickly. NB: Which girl doesn’t have her phone glued to her at all times?
8.Do You Like Game Of Thrones?

Meaning: I know you like Game of Thrones, only want to show you we have some things in common. She already knows you like Game of Thrones after a little spying on you.
9.OMG Wrong Person….. Sorry

Meaning: I sent it to you on purpose. Just to let you know you are not the only person I talk to. This is a desperate attempt she uses to look like she has a really amazing social life.

