Selfless Kenyans, Josphat Mwangi a matatu driver and James Njau a conductor, have taken the duty of assisting persons living with disabilities working at an office along Waiyaki Way, with public transport. The two offered to be transporting the National Council of Persons with Disability staff from their office at ABC Place to Nairobi CBD and to Kinoo at no extra cost after seeing the struggle they were going through crossing the busy highway.
For two years now, Josphat and James have been ensuring that staff with disabilities get back home from work with no much struggle. The council chairman Dr David Sankok said that with half of their staff being disabled, he was unable to find an institutional solution to the transport challege until the ‘God sent Angels” came.

We at the council have persons with disability forming half of our staff and some were resigning after few months of service because of transport challenges that would see much of their income spent on transport.

The council didn’t approach the two KMO sacco members but instead they turned up in the offices one day after working hours and offered to transport the disabled staff to Nairobi and Kinoo at the normal cost. Before then, the staff members would wait for more than three hour at the bus stop, with most public vehicles over charging them or just shunning them.
The council staff have been motivated to work now that they are assured of transport back home. There before most of the disabled staff would resign since most of their hard earned salary would be used up in transport.

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