Former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga (left) and President Uhuru Kenyatta (right)
President Uhuru Kenyatta on Wednesday revealed how former Chief Justice Willy Mutunga seemingly frustrated his Government during his reign as the head of the Judiciary.
Speaking during the swearing in of new CJ, David Maraga, President Kenyatta disclosed that Mr Mutunga irregularly attended meetings organized by Government meant to discuss pertinent issues affecting various sectors in the country.
“We have round tables, your predecessor (Mutunga) was not a regular attendee. I hope you shall be. We have these round table meetings with the private sector and as a result we have made tremendous progress in terms of making it easier to do business in this republic,” Kenyatta said.
“I hope you will be a regular attendee,” he reiterated.
The head of state further urged the CJ to ensure that the Judiciary works well with other arms of Government despite the fact that it was an independent body.
“Independence does not deny the fact that we serve the same people. Independence does not remove the fact that we are also interdependent and that we must work together in order for us to be able to achieve on behalf of the people,” Kenyatta noted.
Mr Kenyatta told Maraga to clear the backlog corruption cases at the Judiciary highlighting: “Clear the more than 600 corruption cases pending in courts. Kenyans want to see cases concluded quickly.”

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