Mesothelioma Survival Rates About 40 percent of patients with mesothelioma survive the first year after diagnosis. That survival rate depends on many factors, including age, cancer stage, cancer type, race and gender.
Long-term survivors attribute their success to treatment from a mesothelioma specialist, alternative medicine and nutritional changes. Average mesothelioma survival rates Mesothelioma claimed nearly 30,000 American lives between 1999 and 2010. About 40 percent of U.S. patients live to the one year mark. By the second year, about 20 percent of patients are still alive.
And by the third year, the number is 8 percent. How is survival rate measured? Researchers describe the mesothelioma survival rate in several ways. They usually talk about it in terms of one-year survival, the percentage of people who survive for a year after diagnosis. Through their studies, they also look at longer survival times, including the number of people who live two years, three years and five years.

Legendary south African actress Leleti Khumalo (SARAFINA) has passed on the 46 year old actressdied earlier today morning in her sleep after a short illness in her south african home in the wake of thursday morning,family and friends are gathering in her home offer condolences awaiting press release..

Leleti Khumalo (born 1970) is a Zulu South African actress known for her leading role in the movie and stage playSarafina! and for her roles in other films such as Hotel Rwanda, Yesterday and Invictus.


She was born in KwaMashu township, north of Durban, South Africa. Showing an interest in performing from an early age, Khumalo joined a youth backyard dance group called Amajika, mentored by Tu Nokwe.

Post a Comment

  1. This is NOT true. Leleti is still alive. This is a hoax

  2. R.I.P UNTIL THE MORNING COMES WHEN THE LORD WILL WAKE YOU UP. We are also on the way to the grave unless Jesus find us alive.

  3. So sad and tragic, the movie Sarafina brought home to Africa the ills and inequalities of Apartheid. We will miss you Miss Khumalo tremendously. Uganda mourns your passing!! Till we meet again.

  4. Rest in eternal peace Ms Khumalo...


