God can only come to you through the word of mouth, that’s how Venezuelan Pastor started his sermon before luring his congregation into the ungodly act. The Pastor from Sovrino Valdeci Ministries shocked his congregation after he started calling in female members of the church into his office each told to suck his peni’s until the holy milk came out.

The male members shocked with this act, remained calm and let their wives and daughter cling onto the D of the pastor who at all costs was ready to do anything including letting the Ushers sing praises outside the office as women went in one by one to receive the Holy Milk.

The pastor however decided to take this a little to far after he told his male congregation to follow suit. The male congregation descended on him with blows and kicks. Police came in to intervene the situation but as it is, the Pastor continues to say, the lord asked him to feed his congregation with his holy milk.

Keep it the evening post.

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