Cheating husband dies in a pit of feces while running from wife!

The body of Christian was deposited in the morgue of the District Hospital of Dschang.

Christian, a man in his forties tragically died in the early hours of the morning of 20 May 2016, in his hometown in Dschang, Capital of the Menoua division, West region of Cameroon. Fleeing from his wife who had surprised.

him in a hostel in the city with a different woman, the man who was a PhD student at the University of Dschang finished his run in a pit of about 7 meters, filled with feces. The lady with whom he was in the hostel
managed to escape.

In the absence of a team of firefighters in the town of Dschang, people seized the Dschang Gendarmerie Brigade. The men in uniform arrived at the scene rented a motor pump to try to empty the tank before removing
the unlucky man.
But before the end of the maneuver, Christian was no longer alive. His body lies since then in the morgue of the District Hospital of Dschang.

Meanwhile the owner of the pit, will be heard this Monday, May 23, 2016, at the Gendarmerie of Dschang. According to the correspondent of Radio Equinoxe in the town of Dschang revealing this information, the widow left by the deceased swear to return by all means to this prostitute, who is the cause of this unfortunate tragedy.

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