Kenya’s President Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta was in Mombasa coast regions recently; actually in the old town where he had gone to inspect theMwangaza Mtaani street lighting project.
During the tour, some images were captured and he is seen pointing menacingly at Mvita Mp Shariff Nassir which has left many people wondering what he might have done next.
In the investigative trip, other leaders who had accompanied the President included Kilifi North MP Gideon Mung’aro and Kenya Power CEO Ben Chumo who also seemed uneasy as the President was speaking.

A few months ago there was a video circulating showing the president slapping one of his security guards who was blocking a civilian from greeting him, another incident activist Boniface Mwangi revealed was that the president is known to binge drink to a point of chewing B.O till doctors are called to Detox him with ivs so that he can attend meeting; who knows anyway??
See the photos below:-

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