The various health benefits of sex include stress reduction, higher self esteem, natural antidepressant effect, improved mood and better sleep. But for some women, sex can cause serious health conditions. We tell you five ways in which lovemaking can leave you bedridden.

Orgasm overload

Intense orgasms can leave both men and women with a nervous overload. Researchers have also identified a condition called post-orgasmic illness syndrome, which is where men suffer from flu like symptoms for weeks after an orgasm.


Sex can induce intense migraines in men and women. According to The International Headache Society, there are two types of sex related headaches: Type I is pre orgasmic, where sexual excitement builds pressure, and Type II is a throbbing headache right after climax. According to a 2012 study published in the British Journal of Medical Practitioners, 1 in 100 migraine patients experienced pain with pleasure.


Sex is supposed to alleviate your worries and act as a mood enhancer, right? But an Australian study from 2011 shows that one third of women feel depressed after finishing the act. Almost 10 percent of women feel sad, guilty, irritated, and nervous after they attain an orgasm due to a hormonal shift post orgasm.


Men can experience condom allergies, like latex allergy or lubricant allergy. Similarly, women can be allergic to the protein in semen and experience burning or irritation. Hence, experts recommend latex-free condoms and glycerine- and paraben-free lubricants for painless sex.


The 2011 issue of The Journal of Emergency Medicine reported the case of a woman from DC who was unable to recollect an entire day right after having sex with her husband. Her condition was diagnosed as transient global amnesia, where one’s memory suddenly disappears. Experts highlighted that this condition is induced due to strenuous physical activity.

