Darrel Gee writes;

“When this young lady was working hard on her dreams to be the best at what she does, guys were all over social media hating, throwing insults, cyber bullying and criticizing her modeling abilities and even doubting her pageantry crowns.
But despite all the hate and insults she stood strong and kept pushing until she was on everyone’s face with her self made success wearing her smile gracefully. But this didn’t stop the haters .
Now after her sadden death everyone including the doubting Thomases the critics and the haters are all up on social media with sombre moods remorsefully pretending to be shocked by her death. Everyone is calling her good names, saying nice things to her, calling her beautiful, vibrating hardworking, lovely and the best person they ever met.
Give me a break guys,.
It’s a high time we start appreciating, and supporting our people when they are still with us, when they can see it and when they can feel it.
Mercy wanted so bad to hear all this nice things when she was alive, she wanted to feel and see all this love on her wall when it was tough on her.. Imagine if this young lady wakes up today and find all this beautiful messages about her all over social media.. Wouldn’t she think she’s on a different planet or slap herself so hard to wake up from this dream. Food for thought.

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