Even before becoming the first black President of the United States, Barack Obama has been linked severally with smoking incidents including allegations that he smoked weed.

5. President Barack Obama smoked in college

A documentary that surfaced online in the recent weeks revealed in detail that the United States Barack Obama was a heavy smoker years before becoming president.

The documentary which was shot by Obama's half-sister, Auma, showed the world's most powerful man gaily puffing away at a cigarette on his Kenyan visit in 2007.

READ ALSO: Michelle Obama’s powerful speech at event attended by Raila and Mudavadi

4. Obama legalized weed

Several states in the United States have legalised the use of marijuana for a variety of reasons including medical conditions.

However, the laws are only applicable under certain conditions since marijuana use is still considered an offense when not used under prescribed conditions.

Barack Obama

3. Michelle Obama's thoughts on smoking

In 2007 during Obama's presidential campaign, Michelle told his supporters that Obama had quit smoking as a condition to get into the white house.

In 2012, she said that her husband had finally quit smoking after having a relapse in 2008 and 2009.

His daughters were one of his main motivation to finally deal with his nicotine addiction.

US First Lady Michelle Obama

2. Malia Obama captured on camera smoking

The old video of Obama smoking suggested that Obama's daughter might have taken up the behavior from her father.

A while back, Malia Obama broke the internet she was caught on camera smoking at a party that she had attended.

On October 2015, the Malia Obama was spotted standing by a beer pong table.News of the daughter of the world's most powerful man's daughter taking alcohol took social media by a storm.

Malia Obama caught on camera smoking

1. Obama's reaction to his daughter smoking

Following the news President Obama was reportedly “furious” with Malia for puffing on what appeared to be a cigarette.

It was reported that he took executive action and confronted his daughter during a walk they took together.

US President Barack Obama walks with his daughter Malia on the South Lawn of the White House

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