KIAMBU, KENYA. Shock and grief has griped gachie in Kiambu county after a man defiled a dog until the canine collapsed. The 28 year old man known as Njoro but whose real name is Peter Njoroge is currently on the ran after escaping the untold wrath of the village women who threatened to lynch him.
According to a neighbor, Esther Muthoni “We first had the dog crying out loudly but in an abnormal pattern, we ignored thinking this being a cold season and dogs are mating, it was normal. However the dog continued to back more painfully as if it was being slaughtered, we ran to Njoro’s compound and its then that we found him in the beastly act having canal knowledge of the animal. He ran away, as the crowd grew bigger, but then the dog had collapsed and was panting loudly like sub-woofer”.
But another neighbor Grace Wangari was blunter…
“We wonder why our men are doing this, this is no longer a one-off, it has become the new normal here. Why would our men be busy insulting Raila and his community yet here at home they can’t satisfy us even with just mere good sex, what do they want in Raila’s manhood, that their own overrated ones can’t perform to us their women? We are starving, our men are going to the animals at a very alarming rates—probably because the animals don’t complain of those poor sex” noted the visibly angry Wangari.
“Women are complaining all the way from Nyeri, Murang’a and here in Kiambu it’s even worse, some of these women here have never seen their men naked for 3 or even up to 5 years yet we are expected to be happy in a marriage. What did we do to these men? Uhuru and his government must act immediately or we the kikuyu women will relocate to Kisumu, Kisii and Kakamega or even Turkana and marry men there. This is not fair, cold is killing us, and our nights are very long and lonely. Then we hear news that Njoro who is even married and his wife Susan left has defiled a dog until it has collapsed, yet his wife ran away because of his failure to grant her conjugal rights. Our politicians must stop insulting Raila and come home talk to our men, or we will go to Raila and urge him to donate us to his brothers and supporters in Kisumu. “Concluded Grace, who was even shading tears.
It is not clear what became of the dog, however, the women vowed next time to seriously cane any man involved in bestiality in the area or even go to the extent of plucking his manhood. Meanwhile the man Njoroge was still on the run as at the time of publishing this news.

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