President Uhuru Kenyatta has sharply criticised CORD leader Raila Odinga for supposedly tainting his image and that of his Deputy William Ruto in international media.

Speaking in Nyandarua, Kenyatta attacked Odinga following his remarks on France24 and AFP where he commented that failure by the International Criminal Court (ICC) to try top Kenyan leaders for crimes against humanity spelt "doom" on global efforts in fighting impunity.

The President condemned the former Prime Minister for telling the international community that the ICC suspects, who included Uhuru, 'should have been arrested'.

“Lakini yako ni kwenda kuharibu jina yetu huko nje na mambo haina [sic] Your business is to drag our names in the mud while abroad, speaking about things that do not add up,” Kenyatta indicated.

An enraged Kenyatta firmly told off the Opposition leader highlighting that dirty and abusive politics would not take Kenya anywhere.

He further urged Odinga to be satisfied with the ruling and come back and develop the country with the Jubilee Government.

“The ICC declared that we have no case to answer. Who are you to start questioning that?” Kenyatta questioned.

The Head of State expressed that instead of the Opposition leader trying to scheme his way into power and wishing others evil, he should present his policies and vision to Kenyans in order to be elected.

“It is God who gives people authority and one does not need to falsely accuse others to ascend to power. When I tried and failed the first time in 2002, I accepted defeat and waited and by God’s grace I am now leading the nation." Kenyatta said.

DP Ruto who was also in the meeting critised the former Primier stating: “There is no greater impunity than that by those who plan to jail innocent people for political reasons".

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