Sonko fears no one, after the brawl with Hassan Joho he was engaged in another fierce scuffle with Johnson Sakaja.
Sonko is salivating after Kidero’s seat and he won’t tolerate any hindrance to his political ambitions. TNA chairman Johnson Sakaja , who is also a nominated MP, is as well eyeing the seat.
Sakaja and Sonko clashed over a report on the Star newspaper which claimed Sakaja had President Uhuru’s backing to win the Jubilee ticket for the 2017 gubernatorial race.
Sonko caught hormones by the Star report and he decided to grab Sakaja by the collar and pushed him to the wall in a rant he posted on his timeline on Facebook.
Sonko belittled Sakaja saying he was salivating after a big seat yet he has never faced the electorates’ knife.
He claimed Sakaja was just an office messenger who was lucky to be handpicked to be TNA chairman. Read Sonko’s full text below:

Tumekaa sana bila kudebate. Hebu leo tudebate kidogo.
In today's The Star Newspaper Corridors of Power (attached) alleging that "the President is not keen in supporting me or any other Kikuyu candidate". I highly suspect this is just propaganda and fabrication by our former office messenger who was later handpicked and named our party chairman without facing the electorate and later nominated himself as an MP without going through a competitive and legal nomination process as per the party’s constitution again without facing the electorate. The same man also victimized another hardworking lady who was also our party’s diehard supporter for turning down his sexual advances. Following the disappointment, he cancelled her parliamentary nomination and gave it to his girlfriend through the backdoor and without following due nomination process.
This morning I have personally spoken with H.E the President and he has dismissed the allegations saying the Jubilee Coalition believes in true democracy and the next Nairobi Governor will be elected by the people and not party officials. My opinion ukabila na divisive politics imepitwa na wakati Kenyans we are one, I'm not stepping down for anyone, let all the candidates meet at the ballot for the people to decide. What’s your take on this?

Mesothelioma Survival Rates About 40 percent of patients with mesothelioma survive the first year after diagnosis. That survival rate depends on many factors, including age, cancer stage, cancer type, race and gender.
Long-term survivors attribute their success to treatment from a mesothelioma specialist, alternative medicine and nutritional changes. Average mesothelioma survival rates Mesothelioma claimed nearly 30,000 American lives between 1999 and 2010. About 40 percent of U.S. patients live to the one year mark. By the second year, about 20 percent of patients are still alive.
And by the third year, the number is 8 percent. How is survival rate measured? Researchers describe the mesothelioma survival rate in several ways. They usually talk about it in terms of one-year survival, the percentage of people who survive for a year after diagnosis. Through their studies, they also look at longer survival times, including the number of people who live two years, three years and five years.

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