A nominated Jubilee MCA from Kiambu County almost lost her life in Malindi after she was caught red-handed bribing voters to elect JAP candidate, Philip Charo.

The woman MCA, who was ferried to Malindi by Uhuru/ Ruto’s Jubilee to effect the rigging scam against ODM candidate, Willy Mtengo, found herself in unfamiliar territory after she was caught red handed by ODM goons who descended on her with blows and kicks.
And to make matters worse, the ODM goons str!pp3d her n@k3d as they chased her away like a stray dog.
The Jubilee politician pleaded for forgiveness and confessed that she was working for Jubilee to bribe voters.
She was saved by ODM officials and the police who pleaded with the irate youth to spare her life.

Ashamed of herself, the woman boarded a police vehicle in a shuka and was driven away in shame.

Watch the video here ---->>>> The LINK>>>>

This article was first published on The Kenyan DAILY POST

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