The former devolution CS,Anne Waiguru has been accused of a lot of things but who could have thought she is capable of doing what she did to Isaac Mwaura? The Nominated ODM MP Isaac Mwaura,who heads the Albino Association of Kenya,has interestingly talked about the abuse and mortification he experienced in the hands of previous Devolution CS, Miss Anne Mumbi Waiguru. READ ALSO:Fisi Ni Fisi Tu!Citizen TV’s SWALEh MDOE Caught Touching the Behind Of a Lady At a Night Club-Photo In a concise post on Facebook,Mwaura claimed that Waiguru was extremely egotistical and haughty and that is the reason God rebuffed her for feeling that she is not equivalent to different Kenyans. Mwaura said Waiguru thought she was too untouchable and when she shared a lift with her at Nation Centre, she was staring at him as if he was a lab rat.“Isn’t it amazing how power is fickle? How could Ann Mumbi Waiguru move from being the most powerful cabinet minister almost rivaling the Deputy President to being escorted by boda boda riders and muscle men? She claims, that her life is in danger and that she needs ‘serikali to saidia’ her with security,” Mwaura claimed.“One day I was in a lift with her at nation centre and you could see the sense of discomfort. I was later informed that at her ministry, she couldn’t share a lift with anyone. Power is so fluid…it’s all vanity of vanities…ni ubatili,” Mwaura added It is quite ironical that in Kenya,a person who is accused of stealing millions of cash gets state security whereas thugs caught in the streets pick-pocketing others are mobbed to death without trial!

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