Bungoma, Kenya. The marital woes plaguing Senator Moses Wetangula and his third wife Anne Waceke Ngugi doesn’t seem to disappear, like undying phoenix the story seems to be here to stay. Just after the much publicized comments by former Bumula MP Bifwoli Wakoli, now, the Bukusu elders have joined the chorus…at a recent event in bungoma, the elders led by a Mr. Simiyu had this to say..
“We are very aggrieved by news that the Nyeri Jezebel our most illustrious son Wetangula has kept in his house as a wife is beating him like a drum daily. This is unheard of in our Bukusu customs and unless Wetangula wakes up and chase this beast like a chicken thief in 72 hours, we will organize 10,000 youths from Kangemi and kawangware, storm Wetangula’s house and chase her away like they chase evil spirits. We Bukusus are revered for our bravery, we stood the knife and I don’t understand why that woman can be beating our son the way John Cena beats his opponents in that wrestling program on TV, no, no , no”
“ We are further alarmed by news that this woman recently kicked Wetangula in the abdomen into a prostate (unconscious) state, before giving him very many slaps and subsequently walking in his stomach that when Wetangula gained strength he ran into a nearby police station screaming…Mungu Wangu eeeehhhh, Mama Yangu eeeehhh nisaidie!! This is unheard of in our luhya and Bukusu history. That woman will kill our son; this is definitely a jubilee Delilah on a mission to finish our son. As elders we are not going to sleep and pretend all is normal. We will write a letter to that witch, so that she appears crawling like a snake to our shrine, and get caned 70 times with 5 strong youths for her atrocities against our son. That’s the only way we can cleanse her. Our son is now a laughing stock, even the neighbors are mocking him over the screams he make whenever he is beaten up, and this is totally unacceptable”
It waits to be seen how the story ends, however; this is one story that we will keep our eyes on. Nonetheless, many have urged Wetangula to report to National Human Rights Commission for and subsequently, Maendeleo ya Wanaume(MAWE) to be assisted in any legal action and trauma palliative care.

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