Several AP officers in Changamwe AP divisions are allegedly said to have raised Ksh 100,000 to free a Senior AP officer who was stuck with a woman in Mikindani area, in Changamwe, Mombasa. The woman is said to have been another officer’s wife.
The two were caught in the act on Tuesday afternoon and remained stuck for some hours before the cheating woman’s husband released them after getting the money.
Residents crowded the Senior AP’s house to witness the embarrassing scene, most of them agreeing with the fact that cheating is wrong and the man had to learn the hard way.

This is a lesson to all. I cannot sleep with somebody’s wife. It is wrong in the eyes of God. You cannot work hard, pay school fees, construct a home, travel to Kampala and return to find an officer with your wife,” resident Ali Kaguti.
They were later dispersed when the cops threw teargas canisters. Another resident told the AP officers to treat the public well since the Man deserved the ‘punishment’.

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