This happens to many guys, and it has become a problem to many of them. After the first round of sex, their penis could not even stand erect again, let alone going for the second round immediately as they desire.
What could be the possible cause why guys can’t go for the second round of sex and nearly all guys want it?
Why should you have to wait for the period call “refractory period” after orgasm before your penis can gather enough strength again?
There are 4 possible causes why you can’t last longer to be able to go for the second round of sex. If you’re able to get round these causes, you’ll get yourself back again and again with harder erection.
The four possible causes of lack of sexual energy are;
  1. Lack of exercise (fitness)
  2. Good nutrition and
  3. Health
Let me explain how these 4 causes will prevent you from having second round of sex.
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What is Male Extra? – Male Extra help to improve stamina with harder erection, increased sex drive and help you to get Multiple Orgasms. Male Extra is is a food supplement and isn’t a replacement for a balanced, varied and healthy lifestyle or for regular exercise. Male Extra is not intended to treat, prevent or diagnose any disease
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Ok! Let’s move on
When you’re stress, your level of cortisol drop and when this happens, you will not be able to produce the proper hormone necessary for your sexual energy by the adrenal glands. To reduce your stress level, please take note of these two importants.
Stop the intake or reduce to a minimal level the intake of alcohol and caffeinated drink; yes you heard me right, alcohol and caffeinated drink will add up to your stress level. Some thought drinking alcohol will make them enjoy more of sex and try to drink themselves up to facilitate the act.
The truth is that, alcohol is actually a depressant that will slow you down instead of jacking you up with more sexual energy.
The next one here is lack of fitness or failure to exercise. What does exercise and good sleep do to your body?
Exercise help your blood to flow very well to all part of your body including your penis, which is the food it require to maintain its erection. Without blood supply to your penis, it can never get erect and that is why you need more exercise to help boost the manhood to enable you go for the second round of sex after orgasm.
If you don’t get adequate sleep, it will sure tell on your body and it will also add up to your stress level which is bad for a person like you that want to go for second round of sex after orgasm.
In term of good nutrition, there is not much to say here other than eat food that will not deprive you of your sexual energy. Avoid alcohol and caffeinated drink, if not total but at least to a minimal level.
In one of my free report, I listed 9 foods that are readily available in your fridge, that you can eat and boost your erection. Get the free eBook here.
When it is health matter, it is always good to be in good health because, you may not get stressed, have enough sleep and exercise regularly, and eat good food but if you still lack good health, you may not be able to go for second round of sex after orgasm. Lack of good health can virtually affect all other normal functioning of the body.
If you are having a challenge with PREMATURE EJACULATION, you can have it permanently banished when you learn more about it HERE
If you need a guarantee frequent rock erection, go learn more about it in the 15 Minutes Erection Booster.
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