Kisses are a sign of love. Where exactly do women like to be kissed? Need a clue? Here are the 7 places women like to be kissed.

At The Beach

Beaches are one of the best places to share romantic moments. Every girl would like that one moment where her man passionately leans in to give her a kiss as she wraps her arms around his neck. It even gets better when the rays of the setting sun make the scene so romantic

In The Car
Driving together and held in a traffic jam? Stopping over at the red light? Just got in to the parking lot? Giving her a romantic kiss at such a moment makes her crazy over you. A light peck on the lips can still do the trick.

In a Movie Theatre
The dark and cozy setting of the theatre room makes it a perfect place to give your lady a passionate kiss. A romantic movie will even make it far much better, where you can snuggle up and share sweet kisses with your beau.

Morning Kiss in Bed
A morning kiss in bed is such a special thing to kick starts her day. As she wakes up and receive a lingering romantic kiss from the one man she loves and adores, you will send her to a different world of her own.

At a Night Club
She is a wild girl and loves to party? Then this one is her favorite, particularly as you make those fancy moves on the dance floor.

In The Balcony
Your balcony is that one favorite place in your house that has its own kind of charm. As you sip your favorite drink together or just having a romantic conversation, grab her waist by surprise and pull her towards you for a long romantic kiss.

In The Rain
Kisses in the rain? Yes, she too likes a filmy setting for a full-blown kiss. Find the perfect place for this and she will live to remember you; Prince Charming.

