Straight to the point, my HoD retired and a new one was transferred from a south-south state to take his position earlier this month. The problem is new boss is a young girl of about 30 years and during our first meeting, we stared @ each other for almost 5 minutes straight without saying "hi" nor "hello"! During the first week we would steal glances when the other wasn't watching.
My first field assignment under her command went smoothly that she put in a commendation for me and offered to buy me a drink to celebrate it, during the course of our drink she told me everything about her self and I fell in-love with her from that moment. Ever since, we cannot stay a day without seeing each other, apart from office hours, we have also coded it that no one in the office knows bout it; tho the service doesn't prohibit it!

Should I call it off or should I continue?