Declaration of new country to be made by December
In what has become ‘normal’ now, forged president Edgar Lungu has sacrificed another person; the fourth from the time he macheted his way to State House in January 2015.

Yesterday as he was going to be inaugurated using a red ‘Bible’, and as advised by his sangomas led by Edgar Ngoma, Lungu bashed a pedestrian and left him for dead. The victim died before reaching hospital.

At the illegal inauguration, the dove refused to fly as a sign of bad omen.

The sacrificed person was a PF cadre who was on his way to the disaster stadium for the inauguration.

As you can see in this video not a single vehicle stopped to attend to the victim despite there being 3 ambulances on the motorcade.

Remember the story of the Pharisees and the good Samaritan?

After killing and leaving victim lying on the road you go and lift the ‘red’ Bible?

Was that even a Bible or a wine menu with misleading cover?

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