(Summary of Story as told to us by Jacob Juma’s friend. The friend has since fled Kenya)

Despite the outward bravado, the 2009 census which saw the Kikuyu share of population reduce from 21% to 16.9% shocked the community. They knew what this meant—loss of political power. Something had to be done. The elders and billionaire robber barons ground their teeth as they looked at the staggering alcohol and and drug addicted youth with jaundiced eyes. In mid 2013, three decisions were made. First, an all out war was declared to end the alcohol addiction menace, which according to them was responsible for the rapid depopulation of the once mighty Kikuyu.

The second and third decisions were more protracted in nature.

Juma Had a close friend working at Brookside Dairies, Riuru, Kenya

Jacob Juma had a bosom friend working at the Brookside Dairy (which is partially owned by the Kenyatta family). The friend, a Luhya with a Kikuyu mother, intimated in him there there is a deliberate plot to stem the population increase of the what he said was being referred to in Kikuyu circles as the “seven dogs”.

“If they couldn’t stop the increasing decrease of the Kikuyu population, then the only remedy would be to decrease the increasing population of the “seven dogs”” he told Juma.

Exactly who were being referred to as the “seven dogs”? According Juma’s friend, the “seven dogs” referred to the following tribes: 1. The Luhya 2. The Luo 3. The Kamba 4. The Kisii 5. The Wa Pwani (MijiKenda, Swahili, and other coastal tribes including the Taita and Taveta). 6. The Somali. and last but not least, the 7. Turkana. To achieve this goal, two strategies were proposed. 1. To spike the milk from Brookside Dairies being distributed in Western Province, Nyanza Province, Ukambani and Coast Province, and Turkana County with a chemical known as Melamine.

Melamine is an organic base chemical most commonly found in the form of white crystals rich in nitrogen. Melamine is described as “Harmful if swallowed, inhaled or absorbed . Chronic exposure may cause cancer or reproductive damage. However, the short-term lethal dose is on a par with common table salt with an LD50 of more than 3 grams per kilogram of bodyweight.. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) scientists explain that when melamine and cyanuric acid are absorbed into the bloodstream, they concentrate and interact in the urine-filled renal tubules, then crystallize and form large numbers of round, yellow crystals, which in turn block and damage the renal cells that line the tubes, causing the kidneys to malfunction.

Melamine is widely used in plastics, adhesives, countertops, dishware, whiteboards. The addition of melamine increases the nitrogen content of the milk and therefore its apparent protein content.

Addition of melamine into food is prohibited by the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius (food standard commission), or by any national authorities.

Melamine contamination has been found in a number of different brands of powdered infant formula, in one brand of a frozen yogurt dessert and in one brand of canned coffee drink. All these products were most probably manufactured using ingredients made from melamine-contaminated milk.

According to FDA, melamine can make diluted or poor quality material appear to be higher in protein content by elevating the total nitrogen content detected by some simple protein tests. Because of melamine’s high nitrogen content (66% by mass versus approx. 10–12% for typical protein), it can cause the protein content of food to appear higher than the true value.

According to World Health Organization, the risk of melamine-induced nephrolithiasis in young children is extremely high, with the effects of permanent kidney damage and death. China, officials estimate that about 20 percent of the dairy companies tested in China sell products tainted with melamine. On January 22, 2009, three of those involved in a major scandal involving melamine were sentenced to death in a Chinese court.

Juma’s friend told him that the milk going to the “seven dogs” regions were being marked with a watermark small “d”.

Secret Sterilization of “Seven Dogs” Women after Giving Birth

The third method to reduced the population of the “seven dogs” was the secret sterilization of women from these ethnic groups. This would be achieved through mobile clinics provided by “Beyond Zero” project implemented by Margaret Kenyatta. The other would be in hospitals which were now made to waive maternity fee (the first Jubilee freebie) to encourage more women to give birth in hospitals. Private hospitals were also being railed into the plan. Clinicians were told that that any pregnant woman who came into the hospital for a delivery who was from the “seven dog” tribes “must have her tubes tied after giving birth–without her consent and without her even knowing it. Forced sterilizations can have detrimental health consequences. There can be medical complications or even death from this procedure

Juma sent Brookside Milk Samples to Belgium to detect Melamine

Early last month (April 2016), Juma sent Brookside milk to a major laboratory in Brussels to detect the presence of Melamie. On the fateful day on the Thursday, May 5th , at 4:30pm, Juma received an email with the results he had been waiting for. Brookside milk watermarked “d” tested positive for melamine. The ones with no “d” marked tested negative.

The Press Conference that Never Was

Juma’s first instinct was to immediately call a press conference. He knew that he had a bombshell that would sink the Jubilee regime, and also would protect him from the death threats he had been receiving from jubilee over the Eurobond whistleblowing. But it was rush hour and he was far from town. Besides, it was too late to get any press. This was not the sort of news that could be released by drip drip. It had to be “big bang”, he told his friend.

Therefore he sent emails to the press for a press conference at 9am at Serena Hotel at 9am, Friday, May 6th. As a precautionary measure, he decided to go spend the night in an hotel at city centre. This is what he told his friend through whatsapp. He did not want even to tell family of his whereabouts.

Juma did not reach city centre. He was waylaid on his way by the flying squad who definitely got hold of the printed press statement Juma had with him, as well as deleting all the incriminating phone and email data, then shot him at point blank and then dumped him away from the scene of the crime.

We have not told you WHO killed Jacob Juma (that’s up to you to deduce), but we have told you WHY he was killed.

Jacob Juma died fighting for the people of Kenya. May he rest in eternal bliss.

We have also not told you to stop drinking Brookside milk. That’s up to you to decide.

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