Signs Your Husband/Boyfriend Doesn’t Like Your Family

Sometimes your husband/boyfriend could be judgmental towards your family members. Once in a while he will question the values that were instilled in you by your family. In some cases, he will only pretend to be comfortable being around them, but this may be a way of trying to avoid hurting your feelings. You might be the only reason he still can stand the sight of your family members. Below are signs your husband/boyfriend doesn’t like your family

1 He Never Asks About Them
Your partner never asks you how your mum or dad is doing. He is never concerned whether your little sister got a chance to join her favorite college or whether your dad was discharged from the hospital. The best he does is to ask about how your friends, co-worker, and neighbors are doing. Ironically, he calls his family members asking them how they are doing. This clearly indicates that he cares less about the well-being of your family.
2 He Never Attends Your Family Gatherings
Your husband/boyfriend never wants to attend your uncle’s anniversary party or your family get-away. Whether your parents are celebrating their anniversary or your family is going out on an annual family vacation, your partner doesn’t want to be involved at all. He allows you to go to such events on your own, giving petty reasons as to why he cannot join you.
He Leaves When They Visit

 3 Whenever your family comes to visit you, your husband/boyfriend finds something to keep him away. He dashes to the door claiming that he is going to see a friend or to attend to an urgent matter. If your family stays there for the whole day, he won’t turn up until late in the evening, and if it’s your boyfriend who has his place you will see him next the following day when your family members have left.
4 He Never Calls Them on Special Occasions
Be it your mother’s birthday or your elder brother’s graduation day, he never takes even a minute to make a call just to show them they are important to him. He never appreciates your mum during Mother’s Day but does that to his mother (the same applies to your dad). Your man should show that he cares for them in such special occasions. Otherwise, he doesn’t really like them

5 They Aren’t Even Friends on Facebook
Facebook is a social site to connect with the ones we know and love. It isn’t a necessity that they be friends on Facebook, but if your brothers, sisters, and close family members are on Facebook and he is there too yet they aren’t even friends, then the choices are two: He doesn’t like them or he isn’t comfortable being friends with them.
6 He Ignores Your Family
Your sister or brother walks in and he doesn’t even say hello, but when his buddy drops by, he gives him a great hug and they laugh their lungs out for several minutes or hours. He rarely has a chat with them during meal times when all of you eat together on the same table. Sometimes he even prefers avoiding such meal times because he knows how uncomfortable he would be sitting with them. If your sister and he are alone in the house, he wouldn’t even bother to engage her in a conversation. He even prioritizes spending time or helping his friends rather than your family members.

If you have observed any of these signs, then fancy the chances that your partner doesn’t like your family. These signs never lie, at least they point out the missing pieces of the puzzle. Interpret them your way, though.

